Resep: Lezat HomemadeDish #4 Mustofa Kentang Bumbu Uleg

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HomemadeDish #4 Mustofa Kentang Bumbu Uleg. Homemade dish soap is easy to make. It also saves you money, helps rid your home of the toxins in commercial cleaners, and is a fun and sustainable project. This homemade dish soap is easy, safe, and non-toxic.

HomemadeDish #4 Mustofa Kentang Bumbu Uleg How To Make Your Own Simple, Grease-Cutting Homemade Dish Soap. Check out this video where I share with you a very simple and awesome recipe for homemade dish soap thats easy to make and all natural. ???????????????????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ??#homemadedish?? ?? ????????????????. #homemadedish #sweetandsourmeatballs woke up from afternoon nap and realizing the dinner was on the table. #homemadedish Watch short videos about #homemadedish on TikTok. Kamu dapat memasak HomemadeDish #4 Mustofa Kentang Bumbu Uleg dengan 6 bumbu dan 6 langkah langkah. Langsung saja cara memasak HomemadeDish #4 Mustofa Kentang Bumbu Uleg.

Bahan dan Bumbu HomemadeDish #4 Mustofa Kentang Bumbu Uleg

  1. Siapkan 1 kg of Kentang Dieng.
  2. Siapkan 4 of Cabe Keriting.
  3. Kamu perlu 3 of Bawang Putih.
  4. Ini 2 sdm of Gula Pasir.
  5. Ini 1 sdt of Garam.
  6. Ini 3 sdm of Ekstra Garam untuk pencucian Kentang.

Green your home and save a trip to the store by making your own natural liquid dish You are here: Home ?? Blog ?? Natural Home ?? Easy-to-Make Natural Liquid Dish Soap. This homemade dish soap DIY recipe is sure to leave your dishes sparkling. Using essential oils to kill germs and uplift your mood while doing chores. Liquid dish soap does a fine job of cleaning dishes, but I cringe every time I have to buy a plastic bottle full of soap.

HomemadeDish #4 Mustofa Kentang Bumbu Uleg instruksi

  1. Pertama kentang dipotong korek api. Kemudian dicuci bersih, buang airnya. Taburkan garam 3sdm dan biarkan 10 menit. Cuci lagi dan buang airnya lalu siap digoreng..
  2. Goreng kentang dalam minyak panas. Apinya diatur saja. Goreng sampai kering. Awas gampang gosong..
  3. Haluskan bumbunya. Cabe, bawang putih, garam dan gula. Versi ini diuleg. Kalau mau pakai blender bisa. Hasilnya beda. Sorry hasil uleg lupa fotonya..
  4. Tumis bumbu uleg, tambahkan daun salam dan batang sereh. Tes rasa. Tumisnya sampai keluar minyaknya. Maaf step ini juga lupa foto. Karena step ini agak ngga nyantai..
  5. Setelah bumbu matang, masukkan kentang. Matikan api tapi terus diaduk-aduk supaya bumbunya nempel ke kentang..
  6. Mustofa Kentang bumbu uleg siap disajikan. Versi ini agak beda hasilnya daripada pakai bumbu yang diblender. Bumbu uleg teksturnya tidak sehalus bumbu blender. Jadi hasil akhirnya tidak terlalu merah dan ada chili flakes. Saya suka versi ini. Tapi suka bumbu blender juga. Simpan dalam wadah kering dan airtight supaya awet..

I had an epiphany about homemade dish soap several months. How To Make Your Own Dish Soap. Whether you're trying to save money, cut down on the chemicals in your home, or are trying to hold off on a trip to the grocery store, making. Folks, There Is A Gladiator Of Homemade Dish Soaps, and this is it. Round-after-round it knocked it's opponents out cold: The watery formula's, the ones that kept separating, the.